Xolile Jele

My name is Xolile Jele and I was diagnosed with breast cancer stage 2(b) in May 2019, I was 28 turning 29 in September that year. Because I was still young I opted for a lumpectomy. I did 16 cycles of chemo for over 6 months. The first four were nothing short of hell but the next 12 were very manageable and I could get my life back on track. After my chemo,I then did 31 sessions of Radiation, which lasted a little over 6 weeks.

Besides burnt skin, radiation was a breeze.  I believe once you get diagnosed there’s no time to self-pity, you must get on fight mode till the end. It’s an unfortunate thing to happen to anyone and it’s never your fault, take it with a pinch of salt and fight. Prayer, family, and friends go me through my low days. But whenever I felt good, I let everyone know. Cancer taught me to live my life to the fullest, even those who are healthy still have the same chance of survival every day hence I never thought of death. It’s guaranteed for everyone with or without cancer. I enjoy socializing and going out, and I did more of that when I got diagnosed. LIVE!!